Created as part of my graduation project, the UNii brandguide is a simple yet industrial design.
Created as part of my work for Beyond the Horizons, the client asked for a design which was similar to minimalistic popular games such as No Mans Sky and Firewatch.
Created as part of the Daily Media game project: Nether Lion Studios. The logo was created by fellow designer Sven van Asselt.
Created as part of a Daily Media project. Whereas the design is finished, the project is still a work in progress.
A simple volunteer design for
Originally created by Michael Braam, I tried to recreate the brandguide in a more simplistic look.
Original logo created by Michael Braam, I tried to recreate the original style in more different Sublogo's and tried to get the style just right.
Created as part of a charity project for TUI, the TUI AID brandguide combines the TUI logo with a new campaign for charity.